An Oratorio for Chorus, Orchestra and Soloists
Robert G. Farrell
"Armageddon" is available on CD directly from:
Robert Farrell
39 Oakwood Square
Pittsburgh, PA. 15209
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directly to CARE to fight hunger and poverty
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If you have any questions, you may email Mr. Farrell directly.
Please make your check or money order payable to Robert Farrell.
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Below is the entire text of the oratorio "Armageddon:"
You may download the text as a Word document here.
In the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble. ( II Tim. 3:1) People will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate desire for wealth. Proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive and disobedient to parents…ungrateful, unholy, and profane.
# 1 – “The Last Days”
The world is a mess, but who could care less, the end is beginning and Satan is winning.
Destruction they say…just a button away…..We’re in the Last Days…………….
Why the big ordeal…you take what you can steal…who will make a fuss when we all turn to dust?
Who will it please when we die from disease?
We’re in the Last Days.
In the end times, men will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. For although they will hold a form of piety, a form of religion, they will deny the power of it. (II Tim. 3:46-5)
I’d like to be rich, I’d like to be free…I’d like to have fun…I’d like to be me…Why give a care about the future here….we’re in the Last Days.
I seldom say a prayer…who’s really there to hear? I’d rather smoke a joint, it takes me to the point…a hawk and a dove…I
I’ll make war I’ll make love…..we’re in the last days.
The time is coming soon…when men will seal their doom
The time is getting late….when men will know their fate.
The time is ever near….when strong men cry with fear.
The Lord God will arrive….only the good survive. We’re in the Last Days….
The smog is so thick…the water makes you sick. The crime is appalling….the mountains are falling. Marriage is a gamble, society’s a shamble…We’re in the last days.
For you yourselves know perfectly will that the day of the Lord’s return will come as unexpectedly and as suddenly as a thief in the night….When people are saying, all is well and secure, and there is peace and safety, then in a moment, unforeseen destruction will come upon them as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child…and they shall by no means escape, for there will be no escape (I Thess. 5: 1-3)……watch you, therefore, and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the son of man. (Luke 21:36)
Part II – Rapture
# 2 - Bring Me Rapture
I’ve been waiting for the day to be taken far away…to a place so far above…filled with happiness and love.
And the time… it feels so near. It’s His voice I long to hear… though I’ve waited patiently…. it’s His face I long to see.
Oh sweet Jesus from above…bring me rapture bring me love. Oh sweet master holy Lamb, take me home Lord as I am….take me home Lord as I am.
I’ve been trying all my life….to do good and all that’s right. I’ve been imitating you…in what I say and do.
You’re the oneness in my mind. You’re the reason all the time…you’re the answer you’re the one…you’re the King about to come.
And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written within, and on the back, sealed with seven seals…..and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose it’s seals”? ( Rev. 5: 1-2) Christ, the lamb, takes the seven sealed scroll from the right hand of the father and they sang a new song, saying, “worthy are you to take the book and to break it’s seals, for you were slain, and purchased for God with your blood men from every tribe and tongue, and people, and nation.
#3 “Fanfare For The Christ”
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. To receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor and glory and blessings forever.
Part III - Tribulation
Christ, the lamb, now takes the seven-sealed scroll from the right hand of the father. All in heaven realize that the events resulting in the redemption of creation are now to begin.
#4 – “It's Tribulation”
Behold the white horse…the rider holds a bow…upon the head a crown from the prince that lives below. His fate is for the conquest…be worshiped and adored. He’s the Anti Christ….the anti-Christ.
Behold the horse of red…it brings misery and dread…He’ll attack the Middle East…breaking what we thought was peace. Bringing war to every nation…death and desolation….Tribulation….Tribulation.
Behold the horse of black with money in his sack…Economy is thin…impossible to win. The rich are getting stronger…the poor can live no longer. Tribulation.
Behold the horse so pale bringing death on such a scale…one billion people die having little place to hide…the Christ is there to see…but plague is their disease….Tribulation.
Behold the martyred last…whose sad fate has come to past…triple six it is the vogue..every heathen has to show…or be murdered by the beast..we all know.
Triple triple triple sixes is the vogue
Triple triple triple sixes we all know.
Triple triple triple sixes we all loath……anti-Christ….anti-Christ.
Behold the quaking Earth…put and end to all the mirth…the sun is hard to see through the dust and the debris. Many suffered, many died..finding nowhere safe to hide…it’s the time of Tribulation.
Thousands by the way have been helping every day..saving souls from certain death and desolation. Bringing Christ into their hearts..on their face there is a mark..chosen few who spread the message to the nation.
Now the lull before the storm….the seventh seal has just been torn. And the Father holds His silence in His thinking. What He things is not for us…but for those He’ll turn to dust….those He made who won’t obey the way of Jesus……
And when He had opened the 7th seal there was silence in Heaven for about one half hour…then I saw the seven angels who stood before God, and they were given seven trumpets. (Rev. 8: 1-2)
Part IV – The Seven Trumpets
# 5 – “Fanfare For The 7th Seal”
#6 – “Mother Earth”
It’s sad for me to say all the missiles fired today…raining down from the sky to the ground……And the grass and the trees…few left to blow in the breeze….who can ever harvest ashes from the ground?
And the bomb hit the sea…leaving nothing for me…..and the water turned to crimson with blood. And the men in the boats turned an ugly colored smoke, as the fish began to dig out from the mud.
Cry, cry, Mother Earth is dying. How can you remain when man is so insane?
Cry, cry, Mother Earth is dying. Mother Earth…lovely Earth. Mother Earth is dying.
Wormwood is the name…the missile that came to destroy the water you were holding….to drink your water sweet…I still feel so weak…you’re lake is so foul and bitter.
And I find it hard to see…. not only just me…the sun has lost all it’s glitter. And the plants have no light to make them grow right…the moon is so pale…it’s dying.
Part V – The Three Woes
And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of the atmosphere saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters of the Earth because of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, who are yet to sound. (Rev. 8:13)
God will offer the remaining non-believers time to repent, but most will not. Hence, God will then permit the release of demons upon the earth, bringing suffering and torture. And the second woe will bring 200 million Orientals attacking the Western world: bringing more mass death and disaster.
# 7 – “Dies Irae”…..orchestra.
And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands, so that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and bronze, and stone, and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their sexual immoralities, nor of their thieving. (Rev. 9:20-21)
# 8 – “Evil-Minded Man”
Murder is his name and Satan is his game….he lives within disgust turning every one to dust…….Loves to maim and mug….you’ll find him in the drug….he’s the Evil-Minded Non-Repented man. (Come to Jesus )
Perversion is his name, and Satan is his game…he always wanted more you can find him with the whore……rewards himself with sin in the place where death begins….he’s the Evil-Minded Non-Repented man. (Come to Jesus)
Evil-Minded you’ve lost your way. Come to Jesus before the Last Day.. Come to Jesus you’re never gonna win… come to Jesus or die in sin…..Come to Jesus
Satan is his name and drugs are his game…he takes them high then low…they die..oh so slow…..the spirit that they see is the sorcerer in he….he’s the Evil-Minded Non-Repented man. (Come to Jesus)
Crime is his name and Satan is his game…he live within the thief who takes pride is disbelief….he robs a man of life with a gun or a knife…he’s the Evil-Minded Non-Repented Man.
Part VI – The Seven Vials of Armageddon
# 9 – Armageddon
And the men upon the land were as helpless as the sand when the poison touched the hair upon their brow…and the fish in the sea gave their spirits unto Thee when the ocean once so blue ceased to be.
Refrain: The wrath of God is here…to claim far and near…to crush the foe beneath what they held dear. The wrath of God is right…full of majesty and might bringing truth upon the land and the end of sinful man.
And the water turned to blood and the desert turned to flood…as the soldier dropped his gun in disbelief…Revenge is in the air…for the saints who suffered there as the angel pours the wrath upon the land.
And the atmosphere was wrong…and the heat was much too strong…and the water was no more upon the Earth…
And the darkness over Rome…made the hero lose his home…as the Anti-Christ ruled darkness once again.
Yellow terror on the way…three hundred million gone insane…heading for the Valley of Destruction
Human waves of men begin to slaughter everyone within the Valley Of The Dead…Armageddon.
Their flesh will be consumed from their bones……their eyes burned out of their sockets…..and their tongues consumed out of their mouths….while they stand upon their feet.
And after these things, I heard a great voice of many people in Heaven saying, “Praise the Lord! Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, belong to the Lord our God…Praise the Lord! For the Lord our Almighty God reigns.” (Rev.19:1:6)
Part VII – The Second Coming
# 10 – Alleluia
Alleluia…..Worthy is the Lamb that was slain…to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing forever. Alleluia.
And I saw heaven thrown open, and a white horse charged forth, and He who sat on it was called Faithful and True. (Rev. 19:11a) And He was clothed with a uniform dipped in blood and His name is called The Word Of God (Rev. 19:13) And He has on His uniform and on His thigh a name written…King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords (Rev. 19:16)
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